What Is a Podcast And Why You Should Start One

what is a podcast

A podcast is a digital audio program, like a radio show, available on the Internet. The word “podcast” is derived from the word “pod,” as in the Apple iPod, and “broadcast”, which means transmit for general or public use.

Why You Should Start A Podcast

Podcasts are not only a great way to deliver content on the go, but they are also an ideal way to create followers and a sense of community.

The usage of podcasts continues to grow, and most popular podcasts falls into the category of self-help, business, or news. Moreover, they have become a place where listeners can acquire and develop their knowledge.

Podcasts provide a unique experience for industry professionals and leaders, because they provide valuable and comprehensive information to their audiences.

In addition to short-form content such as social media or blog posts, the long format of a podcast allows you to maintain a deeper relationship with your audience, or extend your reach to new listeners.

In the paragraphs below, you I will list you some of the reasons why you should consider to start Podcasting.

You Have The Freedom To Produce Long Content

In today’s world where information is continuously available, social media play a very important role.

But where blog posts are limited to some words and social media to about 280 characters, a podcast gives the freedom for you to go deeper and broader into your content.

There is enormous opportunity to showcase your expertise in a form that other formats cannot accommodate. In fact, for businesses with complex products from a long sales cycle, such detailed content can help consumers make purchasing decisions faster.

You Build Personal Connection With Your Audience

Successful podcasts rarely have scripts: therefore the host’s personality has the opportunity to shine unfiltered.

As with video, podcasts are one of the fastest ways to build personal connections and build trust between a host and an audience.

At a time when we have infinite options for all our buying decisions, trust is essential to foster brand loyalty, because it gives people a voice and personality to connect with their brand.

A Podcast Enables A Repeat Touch Point For Your Audience

Similar to a newsletter, if an audience subscribes to your podcast, they are willing to listen to you regularly. The key here is to stay in line with the frequency with which you post and the type of content you share.

In this way, you can stay up to date and build your trust to a deeper level of brand loyalty.

It’s Very Easy to start a Podcast

Starting a podcast seems to be a complicated task. But in reality, it requires a minimal initial investment and is surprisingly easy to implement.

In websites like Amazon, you can find a good microphone even if you have a limited budget. In addition, websites like Fiverr offer services to create scripts, music or speeches.

There Are Numerous Possibilities With Podcasting

If you think podcasts are meant for one-sided communication with your audience, you may be wrong. Podcasts, in brief,  allows you to share your ideas in different ways with your audience. You can:

  • Review the products and services.
  • Invite an expert or opinion leader to be a guest on your “program.”
  • Interview experts and even consumers.

Podcasting is a great way to share the opinions of the people your audience can trust most: the experts and their peers.

In conclusion, there are many benefits to starting a podcast. If you have the content to support it, podcasting can be very useful for developing your brand.

If you want to learn more about how to attract new customers, have a look at this article to find new ideas.


Teachingbiz provides internet marketing services and education to digital entrepreneurs and marketers who want to learn how to build and scale their businesses.

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